Fixing Error “This copy of Windows is not genuine” for Windows 7

Fixing Error "This copy of Windows is not genuine" for Windows 7

If you install pirated Windows OS, it will run only for some months. After that you will get error This copy of Windows is not genuine and your screen may get blank screen. This method will work for 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows 7.

Fix for Error This copy of Windows is not Genuine

You must follow below 3 steps to remove error. After second step, your will be gone. Even then you must follow third step. Other wise you may get this error back once again.

Step 1 Uninstall Update KB971033

You are getting error “this copy of windows is not genuine”, that means your windows has an updated file which can detect your windows OS. So before going in to actual procedure, You must uninstall the update which was detecting your windows. Remember, if you see this mentioned update, then only you need to uninstall. If you don’t see this update, you can skip this step. Follow the below steps to uninstall windows update.

  • Open control panel.
  • Go to windows update section.
  • Click on view installed updates.
  • After loading all installed updates, check for update “KB971033” and uninstall.
  • Restart your PC.

Step 2 : Use SLMGR -REARM command

Now Let’s see actual procedure to fix Windows not genuine error.

  •  Go to Start Button for Start Menu.
  • You need to type cmd in search field
  • You will see command prompt option. Right click Command prompt. Select Run as Administrator. It is must to run command prompt with administrator privileges other wise command will not work.
  • Type SLMGR -REARM (SLMGR is a tool which manages Windows software license. REARM is a command which resets license status of machine.) and press enter.
  • You will see a windows, Click OK.
  •  Just Restart your PC. Now you will never receive error message. If this command did not work for you, you need to try SLMGR /REARM.


 SLMGR -REARM must work for Windows 32 bit version. It may work for Windows 64 bit version. If it did not work for Windows 64 bit version, then only you have to try SLMGR /REARM.

Step 3 : Turn off Updates

You are not using original OS, so you can not get updates. And you must turnoff updates. Otherwise, you will get the same error one more time. If you don’t turn off updates, you OS will get updated. Any one of future updates may detect your OS genuinity. So there is chance that you will get error. Just follow below procedure.

  • Go to Control Panel.
  • Click Windows Update.
  • Click Install updates automatically(Recommended).
  • You must select Never Check for updates(Not recommended).

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