Android ransomware attacks :-

Ransomware targeting Android users has increased by over 50 percent in just a year.This, the highest number of attempts to infect Android smartphones and tablets with malicious file-encrypting software so far, comes as users increasingly turn to mobiles as their primary devices, storing more and more valuable data on them.

Western Europe was initially the main target of ransomware distributors but this has changed, now 72 percent of successful ransomware attacks distributing Lockerpin ransomware target users in the United States. The reason for the shift in targeting, as with most other cybercriminal decision making, comes down to money.

Lockerpint is a particularly aggressive form of Android ransomware, which has continually evolved since it was first discovered in August 2015. Typically spread via malicious, fake applications.
While there are some forms of Android ransomware which have been a thorn in the side of users for well over a year, malicious developers aren’t just content to sit back on their laurels, with new forms of malware appearing all the time.

One of the newest forms of Android ransomware is Charger, a nasty form of mobile ransomware which steals data from its victims.

The zero-day mobile ransomware was found embedded in an app supposedly designed to enhance battery-life of phones and tablets  and downloaded directly from the Google Play. Google has since removed the ransomware from its store.

In order to avoid falling victim to Android ransomware threats & avoid unofficial app stores and keep mobile security software up-to-date.

Keep regular backups of data, so in the worst case scenario of falling victim to a ransomware attack, data can easily be retrieved without handing money to criminals.


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